Media world – my world?

Ever since the Immigration Act was passed in 2005, Germany is officially considered a country of immigration. In fact, however, people with a history of immigration have been part of German society for much longer. Is this reflected in the films and series that you watch?

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Diversity in media?

What do you think? What is the proportion of Black representation in leading roles in German productions?

Diversity in media?

What is the Riz Test?

Diversity in media?

Why did the Spanish Netflix series Elite come under attack?

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Perception of the world

People fleeing their country is always a major topic in German media whenever there is debate about taking in refugees. The focus is usually on the questions who and how many people are supposed to be admitted, and what is affordable socially and financially. The responsibility that Germany and Europe have for the poverty, wars, and climate disasters elsewhere in the world is often ignored.

The media inform us not only about world affairs. Their images and language also influence how we perceive our world.

What images come to mind when you think of refugees and migration? Where do these images come from? Are they similar to the pictures you see in the media – or does your reality look very different?

What means…

Flood of refugees

refugee crisis

The Besser deutsch mit Jilet Ayse (Better German with Jilet Ayse) videos were produced in 2015 by the New German Mediamakers, NdM (Neuen deutschen Medienmacher*innen)

The internet has changed the media landscape. Today everyone can participate in social media. While social media opens up new options in democratic negotiating processes, on the one hand, it also serves as a platform for fake news and disinformation campaigns, on the other. Many people are confronted with racist statements and commentaries, and others spread hate-filled statements on the internet. Freedom of the press and freedom of opinion are protected in Germany’s Basic Law. But basic rights and personal rights also need to be protected. Rabble-rousing, hate speech, incitement to crimes, slurs, and slander have nothing to do with freedom of opinion and are punishable in Germany.

The video #HateIsRandom – Fight hate! was created within the scope of the Open Youth Work bOJA campaign against Hate Speech (2019).

No Hate Speech

For information about Hate Speech, anti-hate strategies, and emergency kits for threat situations, go to:

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